How to Wear Jeans

How to Wear Jeans

 This post from 2011 represents a major turning point, even if I didn't know it at the time. 

It's the first example on My Closet in Sketches of a "How To" featuring a series of figures. Before, it was just me sketching myself in an outfit. Here, it became a prescription, a presentation, a concept. The architecture of this idea is now directly mirrored in both 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf and 50 Ways to Wear Denim

A small detail, to be sure, but for me it is a flash of inspiration, a peek into the future without knowing what I was looking at - yet. An idea soon to be realized. 


Closet Sketches at The Shoe Hive

Closet Sketches at The Shoe Hive

Closet Sketches at UNCENSORED: The Cocktail Party 2016

Closet Sketches at UNCENSORED: The Cocktail Party 2016